Much of this semester (indeed, almost three hours daily) has been devoted to carefully examining forty years of materials temporarily stored during the Rankin Hall renovation and deciding what to toss, what to give away, and what should leave with me when I move on in May. I am now at a very interesting stage in this döstädning process where I am going through written records. It is so easy to get distracted from the döstädning  task at hand by rediscovering diaries and even old Hinakaga yearbooks! I came across a Golden Pioneer folder of my father-in-law, Walter G. Schmidt, and a number of Carroll College Pioneer Quarterly alumni magazines and New Perspective articles.

Today I came across this piece written by alumna Jill Sharp Attkisson where I expressed my rationale for why I had chosen to make annual gifts to Carroll. Maybe after 23 years it is time to part with the document (destroy the evidence that I once had dark hair and dressed more formally) — but the values expressed remain. And the return on investment is having known and continuing to know students like Jill and her classmates. Hence, I shall be a Giving Tuesday Carroll Ambassador.

One reason that I shall give a donation on November 27 is to honor the many Carroll Physical Plant Friends across my 40+ years here who have given so much of their time, love, and labor to creating, maintaining, sustaining, and improving the quality of life here. Thank you Ott, Dennis, Ralph, and hundreds of others! I donated to this link.

1995 Giving

Posted by Professor David Simpson

Professor of Psychology, Carroll University (USA), Lover of Dogs, Reading, Teaching and Learning. Looking for ways to enhance cross-global communication and to apply technology learning tools. Interested in brain health maintenance, brain fitness training, and truth in advertising.

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